The TaeKwon-Do Student Oath: A Pledge to Honor and Progress

The TaeKwon-Do Student Oath: A Pledge to Honor and Progress


The practice of TaeKwon-Do extends beyond physical movements; it encompasses a code of ethics and values that guide practitioners on their journey of self-improvement. Central to this philosophy is the TaeKwon-Do Student Oath, a solemn pledge taken by students that reflects their commitment to the art’s principles and ideals. In this article, we explore the components of the TaeKwon-Do Student Oath and delve into the profound meanings behind each element.

1. “I shall observe the tenets of TaeKwon-Do.”

This opening statement signifies the practitioner’s dedication to upholding the fundamental principles of TaeKwon-Do: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Indomitable Spirit. It serves as a reminder that the path of TaeKwon-Do is not solely about physical prowess, but also about cultivating character and ethical conduct.

2. “I shall respect the instructor and seniors.”

This line emphasizes the importance of respecting those who have more experience and knowledge within the TaeKwon-Do community. By showing deference to instructors and senior practitioners, students acknowledge the value of learning from those who have walked the path before them.

3. “I shall never misuse TaeKwon-Do.”

Here, practitioners pledge to use their martial arts skills responsibly and only for self-defense or the defense of others. This commitment prevents TaeKwon-Do from being used for aggression or harm, aligning with the art’s emphasis on self-discipline and ethical behavior.

4. “I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.”

This statement reflects the broader societal implications of TaeKwon-Do. It encourages practitioners to champion fairness, equality, and justice, both within and outside the martial arts community. By embodying these values, students become ambassadors of positive change in their surroundings.

5. “I shall build a more peaceful world.”

The final line encapsulates the aspirational nature of TaeKwon-Do. Practitioners commit to contributing to a world that is less prone to conflict and violence. This pledge underscores the art’s philosophy of using inner strength to create a better, more harmonious global community.


The TaeKwon-Do Student Oath is not merely a collection of words recited before training sessions; it encapsulates the essence of TaeKwon-Do’s principles and ethos. Each line of the oath serves as a guiding principle for students as they embark on their journey of self-discovery, physical development, and ethical growth. By embracing the oath’s tenets—observing principles, showing respect, using skills responsibly, advocating justice, and fostering peace—practitioners become more than martial artists; they become stewards of positive change in both their personal lives and the world at large.

Do you want to learn more about what TaeKwon-Do can do for you or your child? Contact  Omaha Blue Waves Martial Arts? Call (402) 215-6003 or write:
